The Best Amazon Product Research Tools & 5 Tips on How To Use Them


Mastering product research can be tough and time-consuming, especially if you're new to eCommerce. It's no wonder every Amazon seller is always looking for help and open to suggestions to make their business run smoother. Luckily, many great Amazon product research tools make it easy to find products, do keyword research, get notifications, and stay updated.

Picking the best Amazon product research tool can be tricky because there are so many out there. Most of them have similar features, so you usually have to spend a lot of time figuring out which ones are the best.

But don’t worry, we’ve done the hard work for you. One free Amazon research tool worth mentioning is SellerSprite, which can help you find a profitable product. Just check out our findings!

The 4 Best Amazon Product Research Tools for Amazon FBA

1. SellerSprite

SellerSprite stands out as the best Amazon product research tool, offering an extensive array of features that provide invaluable insights for optimizing your Amazon business and staying ahead of the competition.

SellerSprite offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to help sellers optimize their Amazon business. Its product selection and keyword optimization capabilities are particularly loved by users.

It provides a keyword tracker that shows daily rankings for any keyword of your choice, and a sales tracker that monitors sales volume and historical sales data for any Amazon product.

The standout feature, however, is its product tracker, which allows you to track reviews, prices, Q&As, ratings, and BSRs of both your competitors' products and your own.

Additionally, SellerSprite offers a powerful Reverse ASIN Lookup for all nine marketplaces, making it a formidable tool for any Amazon seller.


  • Comprehensive product research and keyword optimization features
  • Keyword tracker with daily ranking updates
  • Sales tracker for monitoring sales volume and historical data
  • Product tracker for detailed insights into reviews, prices, Q&As, ratings, and BSRs
  • Reverse ASIN Lookup for all nine marketplaces
  • Free trial version available
  • User-friendly interface with detailed guides and tutorials
  • Competitive pricing with multiple plan options


  • Higher-priced plans may be expensive for small businesses
  • Some users may find the extensive feature set overwhelming initially

SellerSprite offers a free trial version that provides access to all features, allowing you to compile accurate data from your competitors and apply these insights to your own business.

While the free plan has limited options, there are paid monthly plans with higher research limits: the Standard plan is priced at $69, the Advanced plan at $138, and the VIP plan at $189.

2. Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout simplifies the complex process of product research, helping Amazon sellers find profitable products and stay ahead of the competition. Its comprehensive features, including product listing optimization and market trend analysis, make it a worthwhile investment for serious sellers despite its higher cost.

A huge majority of FBA sellers admire Jungle Scout for countless reasons. It helps them explore and identify the best opportunities online, minimize risk, and maximize returns.

Jungle Scout is available as both a Chrome extension and a web app, allowing sellers to quickly track competitor activities over time. It excels in identifying lucrative products and niches from the entire Amazon catalog. This Amazon product research tool can also validate ideas about bestselling and latest products while browsing. Sellers can filter the product database by price, sales, or category to gain insights into untapped opportunities and find products to sell.

In addition to product research, Jungle Scout offers features for optimizing product listings, ensuring your Amazon FBA products are well-positioned to attract buyers.


  • Comprehensive product database with powerful filtering options
  • Chrome extension for quick, on-the-go insights
  • Additional resources like free case studies, eBooks, and webinars
  • Accurate sales estimates and market trends
  • User-friendly interface


  • Higher cost compared to some other tools
  • Limited features in the basic plan
  • Can be overwhelming for beginners due to its extensive features

At just $29 a month, Jungle Scout's basic package includes access to the commodity database, product tracking, and contest monitoring, providing excellent value for its price.

3. Helium 10

Helium 10 is a versatile and comprehensive all-in-one Amazon seller tool that offers sellers robust product research, listing optimization, and trend-tracking capabilities, making it a valuable investment for both new and experienced sellers.

It is a powerful Amazon seller tool that sellers swear by. It includes over 30 different tools that help Amazon sellers make or save money in several ways. Helium 10 offers features like keyword research, product trends, and listing optimization. It also has a Chrome extension that provides quick insights while browsing Amazon.

Helium 10 is praised for its comprehensive data, which helps sellers evaluate new products and enter the Amazon Marketplace confidently. It is especially useful for tracking trends and identifying profitable products to sell. This tool also excels in optimizing product listings, ensuring that your Amazon FBA products are well-positioned to attract buyers.


  • Extensive suite of over 30 seller tools covering various aspects of an Amazon business
  • Powerful keyword research and trend-tracking capabilities
  • Chrome extension for quick, on-the-go insights
  • Comprehensive data for confident product evaluation
  • Free plan available with limited features


  • Higher learning curve due to the extensive features
  • Some tools may have bugs or require frequent updates
  • Paid plans can be expensive for small FBA businesses

Helium 10 offers a free plan with limited features, and its paid plans start at $37 per month, making it a versatile choice for sellers at various stages of their Amazon business.

4. AMZ Scout

AMZ Scout is a cost-effective and comprehensive product research tool for Amazon sellers that offers essential features for identifying profitable products and optimizing your Amazon FBA business.

Rated high by FBA sellers, AMZ Scout is unarguably one of the best Amazon product research tools for identifying top products to sell on Amazon and keeping track of sales. AMZ Scout includes a free FBA fee calculator and sales estimator, which are invaluable for evaluating potential profitability.


  • Affordable pricing with various packages to suit different needs
  • Comprehensive product research tools, including a keyword tracker and competition analysis
  • Free FBA fee calculator and sales estimator
  • User-friendly interface with detailed guides and tutorials
  • Effective in identifying profitable product niches and tracking sales


  • Limited features in the basic package
  • Can be less robust compared to higher-priced competitors
  • Some users may find the toolset overwhelming initially

The basic AMZ Scout package, which includes access to 20 tools and services, can be purchased for a mere $19.99 a month. This package gives FBA sellers access to essential tools like the keyword tracker, product database, competition analysis, and guides to product sourcing and services.

The Starter package, priced at $29.99 a month, offers 40 tools and services, while the Company package at $39.99 a month includes 80 tools and services, ensuring comprehensive support for your Amazon business.

5. Unicorn Smasher

Unicorn Smasher is a valuable, cost-effective Amazon product research tool that offers essential features for identifying profitable product opportunities, making it a great starting point for new sellers.

Unicorn Smasher is a popular Amazon product research tool that offers a range of features designed to help sellers identify profitable product opportunities. Powered by AMZ Tracker and available for free download from the Chrome Store, Unicorn Smasher provides invaluable user insights into rankings, ratings, prices, estimated sales, and reviews.


  • Free to download and use, making it accessible for new sellers
  • Provides accurate sales estimates and comprehensive data analysis
  • User-friendly interface with easy-to-navigate features
  • Integrates well with AMZ Tracker for enhanced functionality
  • Offers detailed insights into product rankings, ratings, prices, and reviews


  • Lack of advanced features compared to premium tools
  • Data accuracy can sometimes be inconsistent
  • Limited customer support options
  • May not provide as comprehensive market trends analysis as other tools

Unicorn Smasher is ideal for those looking for a free, easy-to-use tool that provides essential data insights to help optimize their Amazon store.

5 Tips for Effective Amazon Product Research

Now that we have discussed some of the best Amazon product research tools, let's shift our focus to the top five tips for mastering the art of using these tools effectively.

1. Check The Bestsellers List

Through the Bestsellers page of Amazon, you can get complete and uninterrupted access to the bestselling products to sell on Amazon. This not only helps you save endless hours of searching and comparing products, but also lets you divert the "saved" resources (time, money, effort, and energy) towards critical operations like advertising and marketing.

To get started,  search for top-selling products on Amazon based on their categories and sub-categories. If you have not decided on a profitable niche, you will find the Best Sellers page of Amazon to be of great benefit.

Using the selling information of a product, you can even easily and quickly forecast what products may appeal to your target audience. Not only this, you can even identify the related or complementary items that will help you explore previously unexplored or unknown profitable opportunities.

It is important to remember here that products that are neither priced too low or too high are often the best products to sell on Amazon. Moreover, products with limited competition offer more prospects to sell them.

You may try generating great product ideas through Amazon Storefronts, Amazon Basics, Bestseller lists, Shopify stores, Amazon's Movers & Shakers, and by checking a section called "Customers also bought."

These resources can be invaluable tools to help you launch a new product, understand product demand, and conduct competitor analysis. Additionally, using a free Amazon product research tool can streamline your research process, allowing you to focus on critical aspects of your Amazon business.

2. Find out What the Competitors Are Doing

Understanding your competition is as important as finding the best products to sell and analyzing the market. The Best Sellers page of Amazon lets you identify and access details about your primary competitors.

Using this info, you can visit their website and find out their marketing strategies and what items are selling the most. You can even use data to find out products that get good customer reviews and ratings.

Interestingly, you can even spy on competition outside Amazon. To do this, simply enter the appropriate keywords into a search engine like Google and see what results show up. Some sellers even secretly purchase products from their competitors to find out the kind of services provided by them.

3. Smart Play

It is important for you to find out if there is enough demand for the product. It is also critical to come to a conclusion whether the demand will be constant in the short as well as the long run. There are other factors as well:

  • How expensive is the product, to ship?
  • What will be the refund or return rate?
  • Will there be complications with manufacturing or shipping?

It is also important to remember here that profit margins go lower as the weight and size of the product go higher. In short, the heavier the product to be sold by you, the heavier the Amazon FBA fees. Moreover, it is always a good choice to choose a product category, niche, or product that has no big brands as the competition. 

Instead of competing for products that already have eminent brands and are facing stiff competition, it is best to start with products that have relatively less, yet sustainable competition.

4. Use the 999 Method To Identify Demand

Surprisingly, the 999 method of finding demand remains the most popular and amazing Amazon Product Finder tactics. For this, you are required to first proceed to the product page of your interest on Amazon. Then, you can add the product to your shopping cart and click on the product quantity. Thereafter, you can edit it to 10+ and enter 999. Now, you can simply click on update. 

If the product seller has less than 999 items left in the inventory, you will see a message, "This seller only has XX of these available." Keep a note of the item count and do this for a week or ten days to track the inventory remaining on a daily basis. The difference in inventory reveals to you how many products are actually getting sold for that seller and product on a daily basis.

What Not To Do When Using a Product Research Tool for Amazon

Don’t Target Tiny Niches

It might seem smart to go for a small niche with little competition, but these often lack enough buyers. For instance, selling a highly specific type of knitting needle might not attract enough customers. Instead, aim for markets with steady demand all year round, like general fitness equipment, so your products get noticed and sold regularly.

Avoid Undercutting Prices

Setting your prices too low to beat competitors can hurt your profits and brand. So if your competitor sells a phone case for $10, and you drop your price to $8 without knowing their costs, you might end up losing money. Therefore, use your research tool to set prices that are both competitive and profitable, ensuring you cover your costs and make a profit.

Don’t Ignore Reviews

Customer reviews are gold. They tell you what people like and what needs fixing. For instance, if multiple reviews mention that a blender leaks, you know it’s a problem to address. Thus, use your research tool to keep an eye on reviews and make improvements based on feedback, like improving the seal on the blender.

Watch Out for Seasonality

Ignoring seasonal trends can lead to poor sales. For example, selling Christmas decorations in July might not be profitable. Hence, use your research tool to understand when certain products sell best, like winter coats in the fall. Stock up at the right times to make the most of peak seasons and avoid overstocking during off-peak times.

Don’t Skip Keyword Research

Good keywords help your products get found. If you’re selling yoga mats, using keywords like “non-slip yoga mat” or “eco-friendly yoga mat” can attract more buyers. Therefore, use keyword tools to find popular search terms and include them in your product listings. This boosts your visibility and sales, making it easier for customers to find your products.

Frequently Asked Questions

How important is Amazon product research?

Amazon product research is essential for identifying profitable product ideas and ensuring your business on Amazon thrives. By using a reliable Amazon product research tool, you can uncover market trends, understand consumer demand, and evaluate competition. This research helps you make informed decisions, reducing risks and increasing your chances of success.

How to research the best-selling items on Amazon?

To research best-selling items on Amazon, start with the Best Sellers page to identify top products in various categories. Utilize product research tools like SellerSprite, which offer advanced Amazon product research features such as sales data analysis and keyword research tools. This tool will help you find products to sell by providing insights into market demand and competition.

Why do we need product research?

Product research is crucial for any Amazon FBA seller aiming to grow their Amazon business. It helps you identify market gaps, understand consumer preferences, and avoid products with low demand or high competition. Using advanced Amazon product research tools, you can make strategic decisions about product selection, pricing, and marketing, leading to a more successful Amazon FBA business.

How important are product reviews on Amazon?

Product reviews on Amazon are vital as they influence purchasing decisions and build trust. Positive reviews can enhance your product's credibility and attract more buyers. Conversely, negative reviews can deter potential customers. Managing reviews effectively is essential for maintaining a successful Amazon business and ensuring customer satisfaction.

What does product research cover?

Product research covers various aspects, including market trends, competitor analysis, and consumer demand. By using a comprehensive Amazon product analysis tool, you can evaluate product features, pricing strategies, and customer reviews. This research helps you find profitable product ideas and make informed decisions about the products you want to sell, ultimately growing your Amazon business.

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