Amazon Brand Analytics (ABA) Search Terms Tool by SellerSprite: Opportunity Finder



As a new Amazon seller, you might still be confused about how to find your opportunity on Amazon. With so many categories to choose from, analyzing each one manually to find your niche can be very time-consuming and labor-intensive. 


This is where the ABA Search Terms tool by SellerSprite can make a big difference. It helps you find your niche more efficiently by using data from Amazon Brand Analytics to identify the best opportunities.


With this tool, you can save time and effort while making smarter decisions for your Amazon business. Read on to learn more about how to use this tool to boost your Amazon business.

What Is Amazon Brand Analytics?

Amazon Brand Analytics (ABA) is a powerful tool provided by Amazon for brand owners to gain insights into customer behavior and product performance. ABA offers a range of data, including search term reports, market basket analysis, and item comparison reports.


These insights help brands make informed decisions about product development, marketing strategies, and inventory management, ultimately driving better business outcomes on the Amazon platform.

Opportunity Finders: ABA Search Terms Tool by SellerSprite

The tool ABA Search Terms, with data sourced from Amazon Brand Analytics, can be used for product research, keyword expansion, and competitive analysis. It allows sellers to view keyword data under various Amazon categories every week, which enables a better understanding of real-time changes in buyer needs.


For novice sellers, you should prioritize using the built-in recommended product research mode in the system to quickly get started. These product research modes are preset filtering conditions by the system for different sellers in actual scenarios.  

How To Use the ABA Search Terms Tool for Recommended Product Research Modes

Understanding how to effectively use the ABA Search Terms Tool can significantly enhance your product research on Amazon.


This guide will walk you through the recommended product research modes to help you identify high-demand keywords and optimize your listings for better visibility and sales.

1. High Demand Keywords

The higher the search frequency ranking of keywords, the greater the corresponding demand in the market segment.

Based on the differences in market size among different sites, different reference ranges are provided, representing the Top market segment with the highest demand for each site.


These keywords refer to market segments with high demand and high traffic, but they also mean that competition is relatively more intense and are more suitable for sellers with certain strengths.

2. Breakout

Previously, there was no search frequency ranking, but recently there have been new keywords in search frequency ranking, which can be used to search for emerging niche markets.

3. Trending Mode

Discover how the Amazon Brand Analytics (ABA) Search Terms Tool by SellerSprite helps you find opportunities and optimize your product listings for better sales. Identify market segments with a significant increase in search frequency ranking and continuous growth over the past 4 weeks.

4. Rapid Growth

Segmented markets with soaring search frequency rankings in the past week.

The soaring search frequency ranking of keywords indicates a very urgent market demand. This surge in search volume can point to products that are currently in high demand for various reasons. It may be due to seasonal trends, festive occasions, or emerging products that are just beginning to gain popularity.


To determine the nature of this demand, you can analyze ranking trends or use tools like Google Trends. If you notice that search volumes spike during the same period every year, it is a strong indicator that the product is seasonal or related to a specific holiday or event. For instance, Christmas decorations or summer beachwear typically see a surge in searches during their respective seasons. 


On the other hand, if the search volume is steadily increasing without a clear seasonal pattern, it could indicate a new and emerging market trend. By understanding these patterns, you can better position your products to meet consumer demand and capitalize on these opportunities.

5. Potential Keywords

Based on the differences in market size among different sites, different reference ranges are provided.



This type of keyword has a good ranking and some growth in search frequency, but it is not particularly high, and the corresponding segmented market competition is relatively less fierce, making it more suitable for small and medium-sized sellers.

6. Long-Tail Keyword Terms

Segmented markets with a certain amount of traffic and the traffic is relatively scattered, not concentrated in the top products.


Here, different reference ranges are provided based on the differences in market size among different sites.


The segmented markets corresponding to these keywords have not formed a high degree of monopoly, leaving some development space for long-tail products.

Customize Your Product Research

In addition to the recommended product research methods mentioned above, you can customize your approach by adding filters based on your specific goals and strengths. You can also set filtering criteria directly according to your own product research strategy.


For example, if you're aiming to identify a niche market with continuously rising demand but want to avoid intense competition among top products, you could start with a primary category. 


Within the recommended "Trending" mode—which highlights keywords with a search frequency rank growth of over 10,000 for four consecutive weeks and a growth rate of 10% or more for four consecutive weeks—you can further refine your search by applying a filter for "Search Ranking > 50,000." 


This way, you can focus on emerging trends without getting lost in highly competitive spaces.


In conclusion, the Amazon Brand Analytics (ABA) Search Terms Tool by SellerSprite is an invaluable resource for new and experienced sellers alike. By leveraging detailed data and advanced filtering options, you can efficiently identify high-demand niches and emerging trends. 


This tool not only saves you time but also helps you make informed decisions to optimize your product listings and marketing strategies. Whether you're looking to break into a new market or refine your existing offerings, the ABA Search Terms Tool provides the insights needed to succeed on Amazon. 


Start using it today to unlock new opportunities and boost your sales.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which tool is used for Amazon product analytics?

For Amazon product analytics, SellerSprite is a popular tool that provides comprehensive insights into sales trends, keywords, and competition. Other useful tools include Jungle Scout and Helium 10, which offer features like product tracking, keyword research, and market analysis. These tools help sellers make informed decisions to optimize their product listings and increase sales.

What do new-to-brand metrics show Amazon?

New-to-brand metrics on Amazon show the percentage of customers who purchased your brand for the first time within a given period. These metrics help you understand how effective your marketing campaigns are at attracting new customers. By analyzing new-to-brand data, you can tailor your strategies to increase customer acquisition and grow your brand.

Which of the following is used for Amazon product analysis?

Tools like SellerSprite, Jungle Scout, and Helium 10 are commonly used for Amazon product analysis. These tools offer features such as sales tracking, keyword research, and competition analysis. They provide valuable insights that help sellers optimize their product listings and improve their overall sales performance.

How to get Amazon selling data?

To get Amazon selling data, you can use Amazon's Brand Analytics feature if you are a brand owner. Additionally, third-party tools like SellerSprite, Jungle Scout, and Helium 10 provide detailed sales data and analytics. These tools help you track your sales performance, analyze market trends, and optimize your product listings for better results.

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