Amazon TACoS [Total Advertising Cost of Sales]: A Metric for Sellers


Amazon TACoS (Total Advertising Cost of Sale) is a vital metric for measuring the impact of advertising on your overall sales. Understanding and optimizing TACoS can lead to better budgeting, stronger ROI, and increased earnings.

By tracking TACoS, sellers can see the long-term effects of their ad spend and make informed decisions to boost profitability.

In this guide, we'll explore the importance of TACoS and how it can shape your advertising approach on Amazon. Let’s dive in to learn how this metric can be a game-changer for your business.

What Is Amazon TACoS?

Amazon TACoS measures the relationship between your advertising spend relative your total sales revenue (from both advertised and non-advertised products) on Amazon.

It is calculated by dividing the total advertising spend by the total sales generated, then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage. The formula looks like this:


Unlike the more commonly known ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sales), which only considers sales directly generated from ads, TACoS gives you a broader view of how your advertising efforts affect your overall sales, including organic sales.

Why Does TACoS Matter?

Understanding your TACoS is essential for several reasons:

  • Holistic Advertising Insight: TACoS provides a more comprehensive understanding of how advertising spend impacts your entire business, not just the sales derived from ads. TACoS can guide you in balancing your investment between seeking immediate returns (via ACoS) and building brand awareness and organic sales over time.

  • Growth Indicator: A low or decreasing TACoS amidst increasing ad spend suggests that your organic sales are growing proportionally faster than your ad spend, indicating healthy business growth. Conversely, a high or increasing TACoS may indicate your ad spend is growing faster than your revenue, signaling a need for strategy adjustment.

  • Budget Allocation: Knowing your TACoS can help you make more informed decisions about how much to spend on advertising in relation to your overall sales goals.


How To Improve Your Amazon Business Using TACoS

Below, we'll outline several methods that tap into the potential of this metric to refine your advertising efforts and propel your business forward.

Set Realistic Goals

Use TACoS as a benchmark to set and adjust your advertising goals. Aim for a TACoS that supports both profitability and growth.

Optimize Ad Spend

Use TACoS to identify the efficiency of your ad spend across different campaigns. If your TACoS is high, it might be time to optimize your advertising strategy.

This could mean refining your target keywords, improving your product listings, or reallocating your budget to more profitable products. You can navigate to SellerSprite's module named Keyword Sprite to better optimize your target keywords.

Enhance Organic Performance

Since TACoS reflects the impact of ads on overall sales, improving your organic sales can lead to a healthier TACoS. Focus on SEO strategies, improving product listings, and gathering more customer reviews to boost organic visibility and sales.

When it comes to the product listing, you are also able to utilize SellerSprite's free Listing Builder for effectiveness.

Monitor and Adjust Regularly

E-commerce is dynamic, and what works today may not work tomorrow. Regularly review your TACoS alongside other key performance indicators (KPIs) to identify trends, make data-driven decisions, and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Leverage TACoS for Product Lifecycle Management

Use TACoS to determine where each product stands in its lifecycle. Products with a high TACoS may be in the introduction or growth phase and could benefit from increased advertising.

In contrast, products with a low TACoS might be in the maturity or decline phase, where maintaining organic sales becomes of vital importance.


Harnessing the power of TACoS can transform your approach to advertising on Amazon, providing a clearer picture of how your ads contribute to your overall business success.

By implementing the strategies we've discussed, you can optimize your ad spend, improve your sales performance, and ultimately increase profitability. Remember, a well-managed TACoS is a stepping stone to achieving your long-term business goals.

Ready to take the next step in optimizing your Amazon advertising strategy with TACoS? Don't hesitate to explore the tools and resources available through SellerSprite. Sign up for a free 3-day trial today and start fine-tuning your campaigns with data-driven precision. Elevate your Amazon business by making every advertising dollar count.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are good Amazon TACoS?

A "good" Amazon TACoS varies by product and industry, but generally, a lower TACoS indicates more efficient use of your advertising budget in relation to total sales. Ideally, your TACoS should align with your profit margins and business goals.

What is the formula for TACoS Amazon?

The formula for TACoS on Amazon is TACoS = Total Ad Spend / Total Sales Revenue. This metric helps you understand the impact of advertising spend on your overall sales.

What is the difference between ACoS, TACoS, and ROAS?

ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sale) measures the cost of advertising per dollar of revenue generated from ads. TACoS measures the cost of advertising as a percentage of total sales, not just the sales generated from ads. ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) is the inverse of ACoS, representing the revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising.

What is more important, ACoS or TACoS?

The importance of ACoS versus TACoS depends on your business objectives. ACoS is more focused on the direct profitability of your ad campaigns, while TACoS provides a broader view of how ad spend affects overall sales. For long-term business growth and health, monitoring both metrics is important.

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