SellerSprite Blog / Amazon Market Research
【TOP】【Limited Time】30 Day Free Use SellerSprite with Your Positive Reviews!
We're thrilled to announce a fantastic campaign that puts the spotlight on you - our amazing users!
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The Amazon Sales Landscape: Chinese Sellers on the Rise
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The Ultimate Guide to Amazon Competitor Analysis: Unveiling the Secrets to Success
In the fiercely competitive world of Amazon, staying ahead of your competitors is essential for success. With millions of sellers vying for customers' attention, it's crucial to understand what your competitors are doing and how you can outperform them.
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How to do Amazon Market Research with SellerSprite New Feature —— Custom Category
Product selection is essentially selecting a subdivided market, and the definition of the subdivided market is generally based on the Top100 samples, so the selection of samples is the premise of market analysis. The setting of a subcategory becomes a marketing tool now.
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Average 50 reviews get 35% of the market in Japan!
As is known to all, although amazon Japan is not the top e-commerce platform locally, the efficient logistics brought by geographical advantages makes the capital operation more efficient than other sites, which makes many amazon sellers eager to try.
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How to use sellersprite's market research tool?
Find the market - market demand analysis - market monopoly analysis - market competition analysis - find reference - profit calculation
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"Baby Gyms & Playmats" | SellerSprite market data analysis shows: Avoid the trap of "AMZ monopoly"!
SellerSprite borrows you a pair of eyes, give you a prophecy crystal ball, and help you see the real business opportunities in the market on Amazon.
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Blue ocean market! The cost is less than $1 US, and more than 80% products' reviews are within 100.
Quickly find the Amazon Blue Ocean Market with seller sprite market research tool.
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Unpopular market with 50% gross margin
When we dig out a product in one of Amazon's marketplaces, we need to look at the data of this product in other marketplaces and do a good job in market research in different marketplaces, because different products have different market performance characteristics in different marketplaces.
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Market Research-The 3.0 Era of Amazon Product Research
SellerSprite market research tool gives you a birds-eye-view on the target market in a graph enable you to learn the market at a glance - uncover the market capacity, market competitive, brand concentration, etc.
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