FAQ for Top Sales Weekly

2018-12-14| Help Center|views(2460)|Comments(0)

1. What the data in the Top Sales Weekly is?

It is weekly sales data for Top 50 -300ASINs under each third category.

For example:The top 50 ASINs under Electronic -> Cables -> Audio Video Cables.


2. What market does this tool support?

It supports nearly all Amazon markets: US, Japan, five European countries (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain), Canada.

The data updated weekly on each Wednesday generally.


3. Is the data accurate?

Absolutely accurate, many users have verified it.

However, it should be noted that it is weekly sales;


It’s the sales amount of child ASIN instead of all the variants under one parent ASIN, in addition,

it is the total sales amount of all sellers (including hijackers) who sell the ASIN.


In general, the sales you see will be larger than the sales from seller backend, because the seller can only see their own sales, and can’t see the sales from the ASIN hijackers, unless none other sellers follow the ASIN.


The grey number below the weekly sales refers to the average daily sales = weekly sales /7;

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