SellerSprite Help Center / extension
SellerSprite Extension Install
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Version Update in March 2024 | Keep Moving Forward
Latest Extension Versions: v4.4.0/v4.4.1!
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Amazon reviews intelligent analysis, this one tool is enough!
Review analysis report can be generated in one click on the Product Listing page and presented in a multi-dimensional statistics table to quickly identify the best-selling variants
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SellerSprite Extension - Tutorial Video
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Extension Guide - Product Detail Page
With the SellerSprite Browser Extension, gain insights into a product's profits, FBA fees, review data, inventory, and more, all while browsing on Amazon.
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Extension Guide- Reverse ASIN Keyword
Field Explanation for Reverse ASIN Keyword in browser extension
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Extension Guide- Keyword Mining
Field Explanation for Keyword Mining in browser extension
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Extension Guide-Download Customer reviews and Q&A
Analysis Customer reviews and Customer questions & answers can help you to know which variants are top sales and help you to dig deeper into the product advantages and disadvantages.
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Extension Guide- Keyword Index Checker
The keyword index checker tool is an analysis tool for monitoring keyword rankings over time. Reverse-search a grouping of ASINs to see historical keyword performance and find out which keywords are influencing your listings — and your competitors’.
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Choose the right zip code for your marketplace
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